An Effortless Beautiful Smile
Dental veneers are a wonderful product. They’ve come out within the past two or three decades. And now we have a wonderful opportunity to be able to do dental veneers with minimal or little amount of reduction to the tooth structure. A dental veneer is able to take a tooth, say it may be off colored for a whole smile that may be off colored, looking like a checkerboard, and we can transform that into one uniform good-looking smile.
And what we can also do when the patients come in and they want to have veneers, we can do a mock up, which is putting the composite material on the teeth there so they can see what it’s going to look like or very close to it for the final product. This allows them to be able to take that home, show their loved ones, their coworkers, or whatever they have and be able to show them what the end result is going to be, and live with it. And I just think that doing it this way, it improves the quality of life, it raises the self esteem, and it makes the people feel very good about themselves. After all, dentistry is a product that helps you feel good about yourself.