Anxiety Free Experiences
Well again, as mentioned before, we have the possibilities for sedation. Most of the time we find that patients really like to have nitrous oxide, or as they call it laughing gas. It takes the suspense out of it, and it takes the anxiety out, and patients like it. I like to tell the patients like going through communion three times where they use regular wine instead of grape juice, and it makes them feel a lot better. In addition, when we do take a tooth out, normally if we don’t do this next process, the two walls of the bone will tend to collapse on each other, and we will get an alteration, if you will, of the shape of the jaw. By putting material in like a bone graft into the area, this allows the jaw to stay in that dimension that it was with the tooth. If we put an implant at the same time, we can then contour the implant parts, so it looks like a regular tooth coming out afterwards. But by putting the bone graft in or the other graft material that we have to be able to help keep the jaw from collapsing in on itself. If the patient wants to have an implant later on, we don’t have to go back and do grafting at that time.