The Best Way To Replace a Tooth
One of the better things that we’ve had, patients that come to us, and they have dentures that basically the upper arch isn’t a U, but it’s relatively flat. And they take massive amounts of adhesive to be able to hold the dentures in, and they’ve been told that in order to have any type of implants, they’ve got to go through massive amount of bone grafting up into the sinus here, and they got to wait and wait and wait and wait. Well, we have now been able to offer these patients implants that we can do without doing the invasion into the sinus, without having to do the grafting, without having to wait the 8, 10, 12 months because people want to have teeth now. They don’t want to wait a year. They’ve already waited. They waited till the bone in the upper jaw because of dentures, and when you wear a denture, you have to accept the fact that the trauma that is being placed on the bone is going to cause the bone to go from this to level out like that. That’s why people that have lower dentures it’s harder to wear that specifically when they have been wearing them 15, 20, 25 years, and there’s nothing for the denture to hold on to. Same thing in the upper jaw as well. But now we’re able to provide the patients with an alternative treatment that allows them to get teeth that stay in that they can enjoy life, they can eat what they want, not having to eat the high carbohydrate, high-fat foods that are soft, and to actually recapture the life that they wanted. So, this is what we can do with the zygomatic implants.