Ad many of you start to plan vacations, it’s important to remember to practice good oral care, before and during your vacation. We’re sharing along with a fun video made by the American Dental Association (ADA) that talks about taking care of your smile while you’re away. We also have a few oral health tips ourselves:

  • Get a checkup before your vacation. Make sure your smile is in tiptop shape! We’ll identify any problem areas with our thorough examination of your mouth and get your teeth clean and sparkly. You might want to even take advantage of our teeth whitening special too!
  • Keep up your oral hygiene routine. No matter where you go, take your toothbrush and floss with you! If you haven’t replaced your toothbrush in a while, get a brand new one, so it’s all fresh and new for your vacation. 
  • Prepare for dental emergencies. Wherever you and your family or vacation pals go, plan on where to go for any kind of dental emergency. Review your dental insurance for any specifics on coverage as well. Remember, the best way to handle an emergency is to avoid one! So take the extra precautions you need. 

We hope these oral health tips helped! Make sure you call Inspiring Smiles at 770-844-6771 for an appointment or schedule online.